Monday 21 June 2021

Healthy Mindset Series - Covid is a survivable killer!


I tested this Monday after feeling a little weird since Tuesday last week. I wasn't so surprised to find a positive result- just carried on with a positive mind and trusted God for a good response.

Dear Community, I'd like to emphasize the positive attitude in the testimonial above. We are all in a fight, a fight we can overcome only with a positive attitude. When we get scared we lose track of the fight and fall prey to the enemy.

Eating healthy is also becoming a hustle but we should not give up. Let's keep on a good diet and most so healthy fruits and vegetables. Protecting ourselves with warm water for drinking always spiced with lemon, ginger, honey or herbs saves us a long way. 

For the aged among us especially, let's make sure we use these remedies after eating or eating when we have ingested these natural remedies; avoid using these remedies on empty stomachs as much as possible, for they are propellers for ulcers.  This goes for all other age groups as well. As we protect ourselves, let's do it in moderation,  eating on a balanced diet and being as physically active as possible.

"I started on supportive medications and isolation at home. I am eating healthy, thanks, not kikomando😃. So far so good with steaming as well and warm drinks with garlic ginger and lemon plus honey".

This isn't to stigmatize... Also comes as an emphasis to those who've heard about it already.
At any slight difference in how you feel physically, take serious precaution (as if you are a fighting Covid) and use your natural remedies, knee-chest posture for any coughing, and physical activity whenever weakness feeling kicks in. This doesn't mean overuse, kindly be sure to use these natural remedies moderately as overuse may also develop into other complications.

Rhoda Kisakye 
L.C.G. Health and Wellness 

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