Thursday 15 July 2021

The Hope Amidst Covid-19 | Let's Revive Nutrition


The Health and Wellness Programs Department of Lukyamu Community Group would like to have you for an extensive sharing about Nutrition and the contemporary COVID 19 pandemic.

Zoom meeting will be on Monday, 19th July, at 4:00pm 

There'll be 
sharing of experience from Covid 19 survivers and 
information on integrating Nutrition and diet more efficiently and effectively in the fight against Covid-19.

L.C.G. Health and Wellness is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Let's Revive Nutrition: Join us this Monday for Hope amidst Covid 19 with 👇

 Guests: Nutritionist Lydia A. Kibuuka, Everything Nutrition Ltd.

& Mr. Owokunda Onesmus,  Medical Administrator, Campus Doctor Ltd.

 Topic: Nutrition and Covid-19
Time: Jul 19, 2021, 04:00 PM Africa/Kampala

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 3135 2154
Passcode: 3deDqB

Let's plan to be there to learn together.
#For the Health of the Public

L.C.G. Health and Wellness Programs.

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