Join Us

If you share our passion for the environment and want to join our cause, you can:

Click this link to Apply

- Become a member of our organization and enjoy various benefits such as newsletters, discounts, invitations, etc.

- Volunteer with us and contribute your time, skills, and energy to our projects and events

- Donate to us and support our work financially through one-time or recurring donations

- Follow us on social media and stay updated on our latest news, activities, and opportunities


Together, we can make a difference for the environment and ourselves. Thank you for your interest in Green and Clean Environment Organization. We hope to hear from you soon!

GCEO organizes various campaigns, events, and educational programs to inspire and empower people to take action for the planet. By joining GCEO, you will enjoy the following benefits:


- Receive regular newsletters and updates on our latest news, activities, and opportunities

- Get discounts and invitations to our workshops, webinars, and online courses

- Participate in our clean-ups, tree-planting, and recycling initiatives

- Network and collaborate with other like-minded individuals and groups

- Learn new skills and knowledge on environmental issues and solutions

- Make a positive difference for the environment and the society


GCEO has different categories of membership, depending on your level of involvement and contribution. You can choose from the following options:


- Individual Membership: This is for anyone who wants to support our cause and participate in our activities. The annual fee is 100,000 UGX.

- Group Membership: This is for any organization, business, or institution that wants to partner with us and support our cause. The annual fee is 500,000 UGX.

- Lifetime Membership: This is for anyone who wants to make a long-term commitment and contribution to our cause. The one-time fee is 1,000,000 UGX.



You can also contribute to our organization in other ways that may not be monetary, such as:

- Volunteering your time, skills, and energy to our projects and events

- Donating your used items, such as clothes, books, or electronics, to our recycling program

- Sharing our message and impact with your friends, family, and social media followers

- Advocating for green policies and practices in your community and workplace


Click this text If you are interested in joining GCEO, please fill out the attached membership form and send it back to us by email or mail. You can also visit our website www. for more information.


We hope you will join us in our mission to create a green and clean future for ourselves and generations to come. Thank you for your interest in Green and Clean Environment Organization. We look forward to hearing from you soon!